Health Impacts of Artificial Light
In summary, this unnatural light is messing up your internal biology in a number of ways… leading to:
eye strain
fat gain
muscle loss
impaired sleep
worse concentration
a weaker spirit overall…
Importance of Protecting Your Eyes
Our eyes are the MOST DIRECT way our bodies bring in this light information…
And so it makes sense to protect them - with the Ra Optics daylight and sunset lens in the Sol frame that I have personally designed.
Pure premium titanium frames on a 100% glass lens that blocks all of the artificial blue light.
One pair for the day, and one for the night.
We could go live in the woods and never see blue light again…
But for those of us that live in the modern world, working at computers - or in situations where we cannot control the light environment around us…
what’s the solution?
These are the Sol x Ra Optics Sol Frame.
Wearing these offers your eyes, mind body and soul protection against artificial light.
Protect your eyes, protect the windows to the soul.
Help me lead the way in making the world healthier and happier, with the Sol Frame.
© 2023 Ra Optics.